
Showing posts from May, 2020

how to make money with new mindset

Real ways to make money from home, to create a side online job. learn how to be a success and think to be a success and you gonna be successful its the mindset  how to make successful people be a success be confident use your mind your knowledge and keep going on till you see the success                         feel free to be successful life need success people how to think to be a success. you can be poor but you can be creative.  life is easy if you think it's easy it's all about the mindset you can be a million-person but if you don't have the mindset you can lose in one sec. it is all about the mindset. think positive you find positive think negative you find negative. .

how to make money

to make money you really need to create a side job online at this time because this its the good and smart business to think to do, online its the best to learn to study to search, and to be Succesful, you need to put your goal to search and learn online.  don't give up stay tight for the right way, try everything and anything on telling you to feel that for you, and then you can start from there, try as much you can the only thing that I wanna gonna feel that you wanna give up at this moment you have to feel happy because you are close to success yes it's true you gonna success, you have to focus and keep doing whatever you were doing. the happiness its to learn how o work online, its a lo of the domain that you can work in you have just to focus and keep asking for the information from the right person or look for thats online to.  

Fast money online

we have to learn how we can adapt with all kind of pandemic or business situations in the all-round year, everything it's easy if you put that thing easy in your mind and everything it's hard if you put that thing hard in your mind, our mind it's too powerful, like this we have to use for positive think and a good way to go in this life ,  working online its to easy if you put that in your mind easy, just take your time don't be stressful don't give up and get into this career just to learn not to make money to make it easy for you and your mind to accept that. you can make money if you help yourself to make it easy for your mind, this is the first step to do, make it easy for you. learn and take time, be like you are enjoying just to enjoy, soon as you are confident you gonna start making money in an easy way. older or younger its does matter we have to be successful no stressful. we have to learn first this time only to learn we gonna make money aft...

How to earn extra money online

we have a lot of websites out there we can learn how we can make money online, I do lean a lot from YouTube about drop shipping, it's to helper I feel confident about whatever a learn, eBay and Shopify it's goof one to start with. focus in one domain to be successful, give yourself three months to learn to test to see if you can be good, and then you can change to another domain that's you can be successful and feel good too. enjoy working online is the best that's you can do in this time of covid19. we are using online shopping because of the pandemic we can't be outside we need to be careful washing the hand the shoes all the cloths if we go outside but at home we can shop with all happiness.  

earn extra money online

make money its the best to do this time of year, you have to learn well and then start to make your money do your research focus for one way to be successful, its a lot of people got success in life.  Taking the time to write a business plan might seem like a lot of work but it can save you a lot of  time  and  money  in the long-run by better preparing you for potential challenges and opportunities that you’ll face as a first-time entrepreneur. It’s exciting to start your own eCommerce business. However, you want to be well prepared and not jump into anything without having a solid, foolproof eCommerce business plan in place. After all, you wouldn’t jump out of a plane without a parachute, so why start a business without a safety device in place. That safety device is your business plan.                                              ...

earn money quickly

the best way to make money its to make it online and its a lot of way to make it. we have a lot of website that's we can access but first then first you wanna choose what kind of domain you wanna do to be successful,  its a lot of web that' s can make you make money quickly but you have to make your choice which one you feel free to work on, it is easy to get used to the platform for each one of them because they are easy to use, the most funny and easy domain to get in its affiliate market, take your time to lean and you gonna be good. affiliate marketing its the good one that's I advise you to go in. enjoy learning try to be open mind forget the tiniest problems focus in your domain its rally real, in you-tube its a lot of you-tubers out there teaching you the right way to make money in affiliate, just learn to choose the one for you to learn to keep focus and you gonna be out there to the real-life making money quickly in easy.

Drop shipping

Dropshipping its the business for this time of covid19, but everyone wanna do e-commerce either if they never try before.  we can start I new career every time you feel that you wanna change, but in the same time, you have to be careful about we you gonna get in because of digital business its different, which is you need some skills to start, probably you gonna be lucky to start making money online. everybody wanna be closer to this table with laptop smartphone in money flow I mean cash flow. this setup needs a lot of work online many skills and be patient, we can be everywhere and do everything we need just work hard, dropshipping its good career to do .

How to live in pandemic covid19

I went today to Walmart its big supermarket before I get out from the house ( apartment), I was thinking too much how I suppose to dress to cover to walk with distance make sure that you are good don't touch your face wash you're the hands . its a lot of preparation I have to do before I get out. I drive to the supermarket with all my attention prepare to walk in, At the same time, I m asking my self why I m thinking and preparing to walk in the market it's easy to move just walk-in buy or pick your staff and walk out to your car back home.  it's a good adventure to do this because you have family waiting for you home, I m worry to bring the covid19. every day it is a good day we have to adapt to all kinds of changing times and pandemic.

delivery its the best business in covid19

we all need food and medication to be home with not get in out of the house, like this we all looking know for companies can do delivery for us, today I did call one of the companies out there to deliver some stuff for me, but usually all the store offer delivery  maximum tow days delivery, we got used to delivery before covid19. Welcome back delivery, every moment has some special business get up, this life been telling us that's we spouse to be considering all kinds of businesses. we have to enjoy all moments of life, we know its a pandemic time, but we don't have to forget about our self our company of life-like kids' husband and wife mothers and fathers. that's a good time to talk to be social. I got my delivery on time, lets be together please, covid19 its pandemic we can fight him.

5 way to know love

No longer calling you: If your wife used to contact you throughout your stay abroad and spoke to you in the details of her day away from children and home requests and no longer did so, you should show some interest on your part or even ask her why she no longer does so.  I became always concerned with you: If you notice that your wife has become overly busy with you, this is a red light that alerts you because it is time to talk to her and find out what has changed between you. She takes care of herself only: One of the characteristics of a successful marital relationship is that each party cares about the other. If you notice that your wife has become concerned with the matters of herself only, know that what makes her persistent in that relationship is not love. You no longer include your daily plans: A successful couple shares most of the details of their day. If you find your wife is doing everything alone, know that she no longer prefers to spend time with you, a...

make money selling online

Selling online is an excellent opportunity for someone who wants to start their own business without having to go out. But many people think wrongly and think that starting an entrepreneurial career online is easy and they can achieve success overnight. The first thing you should know is that to get good results through online sales, you need to plan, work, struggle and work hard. There are no miracles that contribute to making you rich quickly or without any endeavors or effort. But if you do serious and well-planned work, you can reach your main goals, such as more time to spend with the family, work while you travel, be your own business master, earn more money and other opportunities.  Learn about products and services that can be traded online Many people think that to make money on the Internet it is necessary to do only one thing: to have an audience on your website or on social media. But in reality this is not enough. You might have a great blog, and enjoy billions...


A number of scientists have suggested that the bat may be responsible for the spread of the "Corona" virus, which has killed more than a thousand people, but an Indonesian market is still offering mammals for sale despite the warning from local authorities. Vendors at the market for exotic meat on the island of Sulawesi, are offering bats, in an attempt to attract customers looking for unique dining experiences. According to the British newspaper "Daily Mail", the sellers of "Tomohon" market confirm customers' demand for bird meat despite the suspicions that surrounded it during the recent period. The local government in the area issued an order to stop selling bats and other animals due to the spread of the "Corona" virus, but vendors ignored the request. Scientists are likely to have a "Corona" virus that appeared in the animal market in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and they also suspect that it is related to the bat specific...